My design of a column started out as a case study of other columns. I took parts of each one and started putting them together to make my own designs. For example, here are the columns in the Cologne Cathedral.
I initially had 16 cases of column sections and plans.
Then I started playing around with mashing them together and looking at them different ways. Here I am flipping some of them inside out and cutting out some parts:
Here are the seven column designs I eventually came up with:
We then used a handheld hot wire cutter to create our designs out of 12" tall foam blocks. I laser-cut out my designs to use as guides.
I chose my favorite column and programmed a robot arm to cut it out of a larger foam block. Then I made a second version of it with removable arms.
Going off of the version with arms, I added even more detail to be seen in a larger version. Then I cut it out of a 6' foam block using the same robot.